CA: Legislature Passes Helpful Bills, Stops Hurtful Bills

The California legislature has recently passed two bills that could help registrants and stopped two bills that could have harmed registrants and their families.

In the first of the helpful bills (AB 2138), the legislature made it more difficult for the Department of Consumer Affairs to revoke existing, or deny applications for a new, professional licenses. The scope of the bill covers licenses for many professions such as barbers and court reporters, but does not address licenses for many other professions including attorneys and doctors. In the second of the helpful bills (AB 2293), the legislature made it easier for individuals convicted of criminal offenses, including sex offenses, to obtain an EMT license. Both bills have been sent to the Governor who must decide whether to sign them by September 30.

“We strongly recommend that the Governor sign both AB 2138 and AB 2293,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.

In the first of the harmful bills (SB 1143), the legislature voted against restrictions that would have made it more difficult for many registrants to obtain housing. In the second of the harmful bills, the legislature stopped an attempt to prevent patients at Coalinga State Hospital from voting in local elections. Because these bills were stopped in the legislature, they were not sent to the Governor. (ACSOL)

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Great news! Let’s hope things continue going this route.

Any news on where we’re at with the daycare bill that would require LE to report registrants to daycare centers if they lived within a certain distance?

Back in 2007 I went in to apply for HUD (Housing Urban Development) and immediately saw on the of the first page of the document that sex offenders are disqualified. Section 290 of CA Penal code specifically covers using the registry as a reason to banish a person from housing. What’s interesting is that while HUD is a federal program, they still operate in California. Government entities are operated exactly like businesses and would in my interpretation to be in violation of 290.

HUD should be made available to those who are disadvantaged and unable to afford housing on their own accord. Remember, when the government is complacent in the misuse of a registry it’s “members” are required to register with, they are also supposed to be responsible for the effects of that registry. Without holding government accountable for this, they will keep getting away with it year after year until the registry is abolished. Remember when Gang members didn’t get a public registry? I still wonder exactly what the difference is.

Great news! I actually lost a professional (healthcare/1998) as a result of my plea (Felony Battery-since reduced to a misdemeanor/expunged). I’m not sure if this bill would allow me to re-apply. Although, I can only wonder how/if I could obtain a Real Estate License/Brokers License or investment license since I lost a professional license. The Licenses are all tied into The Consumer Affairs Licensing Board.

Unrelated to this but does anyone know if anyone is doing anything about the new “10 year and 20 year parole terms law?” Is anyone working to reduce it or anything or am I just stuck with ten years parole (3 1/2 times more then I even did in prison) with nothing I can do about it? I’ve already done 2 years more than I did in prison. (2 1/2 years in prison and 4 1/2 years parole already)
Any advice or opinions or knowledge would be greatly appreciated.

This is a big deal. If I’m not mistaken, this will allow many people with a criminal history/7 years have passed/expunged will help obtain or re obtain a professional license. Great to here. Please advise.

Yes USA it sounds like a big deal since that is one of the major constitutional violations, especially here in CA where we actually have a seven year background limit law. That is just one of the employment issues though but it is a step in the right direction.
That 20-30 year parole crap in CA is definitely news to me. Parole is actually considered punishment and is part of a sentence. The only way that it would be legal to even have you on parole at all is if it does not exceed the original statutory maximum sentence. People do not realize this but they are blatently violating constitutional rights for every person they aplly parole to that exceeds the statutory maximum prison sent ece. That is exactly why I only did 2 1/2 years on parole because I had a court order telling cdcr what my max sentence was and ordered them to recalculate my time since they were trying to give me 85% when I was entitled to half time, I had to fight like hell for two years while locked up but that’s a different story.. Bottom line, any time past your max sentence has to be ordeted by a judge, and then as an enhancement where there has to be reasonable cause stated in the record which would also include objections and appeals. Someone needs to fight that on a class action, and I do not hardly ever think class actions are good, but in this case it is appropriate. If it is beyond your max sentence this all applies.

Apologies if this was already reported. Though not affected by it, I followed it all the same as it struck me as a truly foolish bill that was written as a knee-jerk reaction to one constituent’s complaint…

…CA AB 514 was vetoed on 9/27/18 by Governor Brown.

Governor Brown has signed both bills

Not sure where to post this or how to post a new thread.

I am in California, my case was in 2005 and convicted of 288(a), did 7 months in county. I recently renewed my driver’s license and in bright RED letters are the words: Federal Limits Apply. I read up on it and it is intended for undocumented people. I was born in the US and am a citizen.

Is this the new way to identify us federally? I am not allowed to fly with the new license, not even from state to state and not allowed on any federal property. Does anyone else know about this? Any links on where I can get more information?
